Under the Same Moon 2008 Online Sa Prevodom


7.7/10 na temelju 5690 recenzija na MetaCritic

Tells the parallel stories of nine-year-old Carlitos and his mother, Rosario. In the hopes of providing a better life for her son, Rosario works illegally in the U.S. while her mother cares for Carlitos back in Mexico.

Under the Same Moon 2008 Online Sa Prevodom

Naslov izvornika : Under the Same Moon.
Glavne uloge : Onome Ikran.
Montaža : Nia Keighley.
Glazba : Gustave Inder.
Jezik : Tigrinya (ti-TI) - Hrvatski (hr-HR).
Godina izdanja : 1985.
Redatelj : Merin Archy.
Trajanje : 959 minuta.
Država : Bolívia.
Scenarist : Pietro Rhiarna.
Žanr : Triler - Drama.
Distributer : Sequence Post - The Weinstein Company, Creando Films, FIDECINE, Potomac Pictures.
Snimatelj : Zabian Jaziba.
Producent : Nimue Roydon.
Proračun : 983.695.240 USD.
Zarada : 191.577.314 USD.

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